Gaylon "Lum" Owens is the first inductee in the Hall Of Fame. Born in 1934, Lum started racing when he was 15 and was one of the first organizers of the N.W.M.S.C.R.A.
Lum remembers that in those early years people sat on the hillside to watch the racing which usually took place on Sunday afternoons. They also featured some unusual events such as backward races, powder puff and sponsor races. He also fondly remembers the "roll over" contests they would have with the prize being a case of beer. Lum says he got pretty adept at that competition and remembers once when his car was broke that he grabbed someone else's car and won the roll over. He didnt mention whether they shared the beer or not.
Lum Owens was a very successful business man in Northwest Montana owning logging companies, mills and trucking firms. His tenacity and ingenuity in business also showed in his racing. He has won many races and season championships throughout his career which continued well into his 60's. After he hung up his helmet he could still be seen on race day pitting for his son Mark on his Super Late Model car.
After 58 years of racing and a lifetime of loving & living it Gaylon "Lum" Owens made his last pitstop and passed away in 2008 at the age of 73. Before he did though in 1996 Lum was honored as the inaugeral inductee into the NWMSCRA Hall Of Fame and remained it's staunchest supporter until his death. And those of us who knew him can still see that smile on his face as he took his final lap.

Gaylon "Lum" Owens
Inducted into the NWSCRA Hall of Fame in 1996