Doug McDougall
Inducted into the NWSCRA Hall of Fame in 2016
As owner of Essential Speed Products, a very successful performance parts business in the Flathead Valley, Doug Mcdougal likely had every "weekend warrior" involved in any type of motorsports show up at his shop over the years. He recalls that, on several occasions, he would "loan a part" to someone and never see that part again.
Doug got involved in stock car racing in 1973 at Big Sky Speedway when he helped Dave Landt build a modified. The car raced here and, from time to time north of the border in Cranbrook, British Columbia. It was also in '73 that he became the track announcer, a position he held until the mid 80's.
Over the years cars with the names Owens, McManus and Vickhammer painted above the drivers door where common sites in Dougs shop. He also helped and supported Vance McMillan's world record setting Camaro drag racing car. One of the last cars he built was a Nostalgia Class car for Bob Keller. To this day there is fun and sometimes spirited debate over whether that car actually fit in the guidlines of the rules! Doug has always been known to bend the rules without breaking them.
There have been only 3 people in the history of the NWMSCRA who have been granted Lifetime Memberships. They are Chuck Ferree, Gene Cordell and Doug Mcdougal. To the man affectionately known as "FYD" to his friends, congratulations on your induction to the NWMSCRA Hall Of Fame for 2016.