As a kid in 1964, Cory Wagner loved to come to the track on race nights and watch as his dad would compete against the biggest names in the flathead. "All dads loves were my loves" echoes Cory while reminiscing about how he got started in racing. And since Ray Wagner raced and helped racing get started in the '50's in Kalispell young Cory was going to be involved.
He got started in 1987 at Big Sky Speedway when he took over for Cindy McManus in the judging tower after 1 nights training. That was before the days of transponders when he would call out the cars number as they came across the finish line and the scorer would write them down in order. And it was common to have 23 cars start the main event back then. He held the Race Judges position until 2000. One of Cory's fondest memories was during the '93 Montana 200. It was a foggy night and during red flags when the cars were stopped, the fog would come down and make it almost impossible to see. Once the cars started moving again the fog would lift and they could get the race underway again.
Cory is also an accomplished bowler winning 5 State Doubles and 1 State Team Championship. He has bowled 20 perfect 300 games, has a 730 series in singles and is listed in the top 100 at Nationals out of 60,000.

Cory Wagner
Inducted into the NWSCRA Hall of Fame in 2010