Clem began his racing career after a sponsor race in the 1950's. And he conducted his racing just as passionately as he did his personal life.
Clem started Wishers Auto Salvage in the early '50's and that naturally attracted auto enthusiasts to him. Race car teams are always pinching penny's and you can still probably hear the banter back and forth over the price of a distributer or starter going on between Jerry Wisher, who is Clem's son and owner of the salvage business today, and a modern day asphalt warrior.
Clem ran his "Lucky No. 7" car for a number of years and built quite a rivalry with Bert Seymour. Its been told that more than once Bert and Clem settled their differences in the pits after coming off the track.
Clem was instrumental in setting up the format for awarding points to the drivers as to how they placed in races. These were used to determine season championships, rookies of the year and drivers of the year as well as also determining pay for each race. Clem also built a dirt track for the club to race on and was active in many activities relating to N.W.M.S.C.R.A.
Jerry Wishers daughter Sabrina also works at the family business and will talk to anybody who wants to listen about her "racing grandpa".
Clem Wisher
Inducted into the NWSCRA Hall of Fame in 1999