Bob Eacker started racing in 1950 and was as competitive as they come. He had a '35 Ford that he had Martin Sundberg of Evergreen put a truck radiator into. Consequently, he could drive the car hard and fast the whole race without it heating up and losing performance.This helped him earn the nickname of "Mr. Consistant" because Bob always drove every lap the same - fast!
Lum Owens remembers when Bob drove his race car to Libby, raced it and won, then drove it home that night. Those were the days of true stock cars.
Later on Bob partnered up with Joe Luce and bought Bert Seymour's car and gained the reputation, for a time, as N.W.M.S.C.R.A.'s winningest driver.
Bob was also a master trap shooter, bowler and baseball player.

Bob Eacker
Inducted into the NWSCRA Hall of Fame in 2005